Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Standard English Definitions and Controversies
Standard English Definitions and Controversies In the entry for Standard English in The Oxford Companion to the English Language (1992), Tom McArthur observes that this widely used term...resists easy definition but is used as if most educated people nonetheless know precisely what it refers to. For some of those people, Standard English (SE) is a synonym for good or correct English usage. Others use the term to refer to a specific geographical dialect of English or a dialect favored by the most powerful and prestigious social group. Some linguists argue that there really is no single standard of English. It may be revealing to examine some of the presumptions that lie behind these various interpretations. The following commentsfrom linguists, lexicographers, grammarians, and journalistsare offered in the spirit of fostering discussion rather than resolving all the many complex issues that surround the term Standard English. Controversies and Observations About Standard English A Highly Elastic and Variable Term [W]hat counts as Standard English will depend on both the locality and the particular varieties that Standard English is being contrasted with. A form that is considered standard in one region may be nonstandard in another, and a form that is standard by contrast with one variety (for example the language of inner-city African Americans) may be considered nonstandard by contrast with the usage of middle-class professionals. No matter how it is interpreted, however, Standard English in this sense shouldnt be regarded as being necessarily correct or unexceptionable, since it will include many kinds of language that could be faulted on various grounds, like the language of corporate memos and television advertisements or the conversations of middle-class high-school students. Thus while the term can serve a useful descriptive purpose providing the context makes its meaning clear, it shouldnt be construed as conferring any absolute positive evaluation. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th edition, 2000) What Standard English Is Not (i) It is not an arbitrary, a priori description of English, or of a form of English, devised by reference to standards of moral value, or literary merit, or supposed linguistic purity, or any other metaphysical yardstickin short, Standard English cannot be defined or described in terms such as the best English, or literary English, or Oxford English, or BBC English.(ii) It is not defined by reference to the usage of any particular group of English-users, and especially not by reference to a social classStandard English is not upper class English and it is encountered across the whole social spectrum, though not necessarily in equivalent use by all members of all classes.(iii) It is not statistically the most frequently occurring form of English, so that standard here does not mean most often heard.(iv) It is not imposed upon those who use it. True, its use by an individual may be largely the result of a long process of education; but Standard English is neither the product of lingui stic planning or philosophy (for example as exists for French in the deliberations of the Academie Francaise, or policies devised in similar terms for Hebrew, Irish, Welsh, Bahasa Malaysia, etc); nor is it a closely-defined norm whose use and maintenance is monitored by some quasi-official body, with penalties imposed for non-use or mis-use. Standard English evolved: it was not produced by conscious design. (Peter Strevens, What Is Standard English? RELC Journal, Singapore, 1981) Written English and Spoken English There are many grammar books, dictionaries and guides to English usage which describe and give advice on the standard English that appears in writing...[T]hese books are widely used for guidance on what constitutes standard English. However, there is often also a tendency to apply these judgments, which are about written English, to spoken English. But the norms of spoken and written language are not the same; people dont talk like books even in the most formal of situations or contexts. If you cant refer to a written norm to describe spoken language, then, as we have seen, you base your judgments on the speech of the best people, the educated or higher social classes. But basing your judgments on the usage of the educated is not without its difficulties. Speakers, even educated ones, use a variety of different forms... (Linda Thomas, Ishtla Singh, Jean Stilwell Peccei, and Jason Jones, Language, Society and Power: An Introduction. Routledge, 2004) Although Standard English is the kind of English in which all native speakers learn to read and write, most people do not actually speak it. (Peter Trudgill and Jean Hannah, International English: A Guide to the Varieties of Standard English, 5th ed. Routledge, 2013) Standard English Is a Dialect If Standard English is not therefore a language, an accent, a style or a register, then of course we are obliged to say what it actually is. The answer is, as at least most British sociolinguists are agreed, that Standard English is a dialect...Standard English is simply one variety of English among many. It is a sub-variety of English... Historically, we can say that Standard English was selected (though of course, unlike many other languages, not by any overt or conscious decision) as the variety to become the standard variety precisely because it was the variety associated with the social group with the highest degree of power, wealth and prestige. Subsequent developments have reinforced its social character: the fact that it has been employed as the dialect of an education to which pupils, especially in earlier centuries, have had differential access depending on their social class background. (Peter Trudgill, Standard English: What It Isn’t, in Standard English: The Widening Debate, edited by Tony Bex and Richard J. Watts. Routledge, 1999) The Official Dialect In countries where the majority speak English as their first language one dialect is used nationally for official purposes. It is called Standard English. Standard English is the national dialect that generally appears in print. It is taught in schools, and students are expected to use it in their essays. It is the norm for dictionaries and grammars. We expect to find it in official typed communications, such as letters from government officials, solicitors, and accountants. We expect to hear it in national news broadcasts and documentary programmes on radio or television. Within each national variety the standard dialect is relatively homogeneous in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation (Sidney Greenbaum, An Introduction to English Grammar. Longman, 1991) The Grammar of Standard English The grammar of Standard English is much more stable and uniform than its pronunciation or word stock: there is remarkably little dispute about what is grammatical (in compliance with the rules of grammar) and what isnt. Of course, the small number of controversial points that there aretrouble spots like who versus whomget all the public discussion in language columns and letters to the editor, so it may seem as if there is much turmoil; but the passions evinced over such problematic points should not obscure the fact that for the vast majority of questions about whats allowed in Standard English, the answers are clear. (Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, A Students Introduction to English Grammar. Cambridge University Press, 2006) The Guardians of Standard English The so-called native speakers of standard Englishes are those people who have somehow espoused a particular set of conventions that loosely have to do with the way English has been codified and prescribed in dictionaries, grammar books and guides to good speaking and writing. This group of people includes a large number of those who, having espoused the conventions, nevertheless do not consider themselves to be excellent users of those conventions. For many of these so-called native speakers the English language is a unique entity that exists outside or beyond its users. Rather than considering themselves owners of English, users often think of themselves as guardians of something precious: they wince when they hear or read uses of English that they consider to be sub-standard, and they worry, in their letters to newspapers, that the language is becoming degraded... Those who do feel they have rights and privileges, who have a sense of ownership of the English language and who can make pronouncements about what is or is not acceptable, as well as those to whom these attributes are accorded by others, do not necessarily belong to a speech community whose members learned English in infancy. Native speakers of non-standard varieties of English, in other words, the majority of native speakers of English, have never had any real authority over Standard English and have never owned it. The actual proprietors may, after all, simply be those who have learned thoroughly how to use a standard English to enjoy the sense of empowerment that comes with it. So those who make authoritative pronouncements about a standard English are simply those who, irrespective of accidents of birth, have elevated themselves, or been elevated, to positions of authority in academe or publishing or in other public areas. Whether or not their pronouncements will continue to be accepted is another matter. (Paul Roberts, Set Us Free From Standard English. The Guardian, January 24, 2002) Toward a Definition of SE From the dozens of definitions [of Standard English] available in the literature on English, we may extract five essential characteristics. On this basis, we may define the Standard English of an English-speaking country as a minority variety (identified chiefly by its vocabulary, grammar, and orthography) which carries most prestige and is most widely understood. (David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2003) SE is a variety of Englisha distinctive combination of linguistic features with a particular role to play...The linguistic features of SE are chiefly matters of grammar, vocabulary, and orthography (spelling and punctuation). It is important to note that SE is not a matter of pronunciation. . . .SE is the variety of English which carries most prestige within a country... In the words of one US linguist, SE is the English used by the powerful.The prestige attached to SE is recognized by adult members of the community, and this motivates them to recommend SE as a desirable educational target...Although SE is widely understood, it is not widely produced. Only a minority of people within a country...actually use it when they talk...Similarly, when they writeitself a minority activitythe consistent use of SE is required only in certain tasks (such as a letter to a newspaper, but not necessarily to a close friend). More than anywhere else, SE is to be found in print. The Ongoing Debate It is in fact a great pity that the standard English debate is marred by the sort of conceptual confusions and political posturings (no matter how poorly expressed) ...For I think there are genuine questions to be asked about what we might mean by standards in relation to speech and writing. There is a great deal to be done in this respect and proper arguments to be made, but one thing is clear for sure. The answer does not lie in some simple-minded recourse to the practice of the best authors or the admired literature of the past, valuable though that writing is. Nor does the answer reside in rules for speech laid down by either the educated of any official body held to be able to guarantee spoken correctness. The answers to the real questions will be found to be much more complex, difficult and challenging than those currently on offer. For these reasons they might be more successful. (Tony Crowley, Curiouser and Curiouser: Falling Standards in the Standard English Debate, in Standard English: The Widening Debate, edited by Tony Bex and Richard J. Watts. Routledge, 1999)
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Ocean Noise Pollution Essay Example
Ocean Noise Pollution Essay Example Ocean Noise Pollution Paper Ocean Noise Pollution Paper For millions of years, the oceans have been filled with sounds from natural sources such as the squeaks, moans and clicks of whales and dolphins, the snapping of shrimp, the sound caused by wind upon the surface and even the occasional rumble from earthquakes. Over millions of years, the oceans marine species have developed into what they are today, with their own specialized acute hearing abilities, communication skills and echo location abilities at natural sound levels. Hearing is generally as important to many marine creatures as sight is for humans. The oceans once referred to as the The Silent World by Jacques Southeast, has now become an increasingly noisy place since the industrial age. According to Wisped, Noise Pollution is excessive, displeasing human, animal or machine-created environmental noise that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life. Noise pollution could also be defined as a type of energy pollution in which distracting, irritating, or damaging sounds are freely audible. As with other forms of energy pollution (such as heat and light pollution), noise pollution contaminants are not physical particles, but rather waves that interfere with durably-occurring waves of a similar type in the same environment. Thus, the definition of noise pollution is open to debate, and there is no clear border as to which sounds may constitute noise pollution. In the narrowest sense, sounds are considered noise pollution if they adversely affect wildlife, human activity, or are capable of damaging physical structures on a regular, repeating basis. Hearing is the universal alerting sense in all vertebrates. Sound is extremely important because animals are able to hear events all around them, no matter where their attention is focused. Sound travels far greater distances than light under water. Light travels only a few hundred meters in the ocean before it is absorbed or scattered. Even where light is available, it is more difficult to see as far under water as in air, limiting vision in the marine environment It is similar to looking through fog on land. So, the best opportunity for long-range vision underwater especially in murky water is to swim beneath objects and see their silhouettes. In consequence, most marine animals rely on sound for survival and depend on unique adaptations hat enable them to communicate, protect themselves, locate food, and navigate underwater. Animals change the rate of sound production and the structure of the sounds to send different messages. Underwater sound allows marine animals to gather information and communicate at great distances and from all directions. The speed of sound determines the delay between when a sound is made and when it is heard. The speed of underwater sound is five times faster than sounds traveling in air. Sound travels much further underwater than in air. Thus marine animals can perceive sound coming from such further distances than terrestrial animals. Because the sound travels faster, they also receive the sounds after much shorter delays (for the same distance). It is no surprise that marine mammals have evolved many different uses for sounds. Marine mammals, such as whales, use sound to identify objects such as food, obstacles, and other whales. By emitting clicks, or short pulses of sound, marine mammals can listen for echoes and detect prey items, or navigate around objects. This animal sense functions just like the sonar systems on navy ships. It is clear that producing and hearing sound is ITIL to marine mammal survival. Whales and dolphins are celebrated for their sounds, but many species of fish and marine invertebrates also use sound. Fish produce various sounds, including grunt, croaks, clicks, and snaps, which are used to attract mates as well as ward off predators. For the taffies, sound production is very important in courtship rituals. Sound is produced by the male taffies to attract the female for mating and is especially important in the murky waters that taffies inhabit where sight is limited. Ashes also produce sound when feeding. When a fish eats hard food, such as coral, it will produce a sound. Fishes sometimes gnash their teeth without the presence of food, which may be a way to scare away predators. As you can see, sound is very important to its underwater inhabitants. It allows them to navigate, to hear approaching predators and prey, and is a way of communicating with other members of the same species. There are a lot of sources of noise in the marine environment. Naturally occurring noises include underwater volcanic eruptions and storms. Background noise in the ocean is produced by reeking waves, wind and rain, and by the huge number of small crustaceans and other animals. A typical background noise level is about 100 decibels (db), which is about the same in energy terms as 40 db in air. Wind and waves in storms, and choruses from fish and invertebrate can increase this level to about 1 20 db. Measurements show that the Pacific Ocean is still relatively quiet and that most of its background noise is produced by wind and by marine creatures. This is in contrast to the Atlantic Ocean, where most of the background noise is from the churning propellers of ocean-going ships. There are also several man-made (anthropogenic) sources of ocean noise, some of which are the unintended by products of human activity (e. G. Sell propulsion), while others are produced for a specific purpose (e. G. Military sonar). Whales, dolphins and porpoises today face a wealth of man-made threats including hunting, ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear and issues arising from climate change. However, one man-made threat that is not as commonly acknowledged as others is ocean noise pollution. This is partly due to the fact that it is not a visible threat, so can be easily overlooked. The noi se becomes problematic and highly hazardous when it is man-made. In the past several years many studies have shown that man-made ocean noise emanating from such sources as are military sonar equipment, ship traffic, and underwater drilling, commercial shipping seismic surveys for Oil and gas exploration, mineral and aggregate extraction, construction (e. G. Drilling, dredging and explosions), acoustic deterrent and harassment devices(e. G. Pincers on fishing nets used to deter predators) and recreational activities(e. G. Boating). Noise pollution in the oceans has been shown to cause hysterical and behavioral changes in marine life, especially in dolphins and whales, which rely on sound for daily activities. However, low frequency sound produced by large scale, offshore activities is also suspected to have the capacity to cause harm to other marine life as well. It can also cause hemorrhage or other trauma to the marine mammals auditory system, sometimes leading to permanent hearing loss, and, indirectly, death. It also causes displacement from their natural habitat, disruption of feeding, breeding, nursing, and other behaviors vital to the species survival. Some of he sounds produced by these man-made sources can travel for hundreds of kilometers in marine environment, potentially affecting many marine animals over a huge are. The growing amount of human noise pollution in the ocean could lead fish away from good habitat and off to their death, according to new research from a KICK-led team working on the Great Barrier Reef. Noise pollution might also severely affect the distribution offish, and their ability to reproduce, communicate and avoid predators. For example, some studies have reported that Atlantic herring, cod and blue-fin tuna flee sounds and school less coherently in noisy environments. That could mean that fish distributions are being affected, as fish avoid places polluted by man-made noise. Not only can squids and octopuses sense sound, but as it turns out, these and other so-called asphodels might be harmed by growing noise pollution in our oceans?from sources such as offshore drilling, ship motors, sonar use and pile driving. Giant squid, for example, were found along the shores of Austria, Spain in 2001 and 2003 following the use of air guns by offshore vessels and examinations eliminated all known causes of lesions in Hess species, suggesting that the squid deaths could be related to excessive sound exposure. The effects of noise pollution on whales depend, among other things, on the distance the whales are from the source of the noise. If the sound is very powerful and close to the animals it could well bring about permanent ear damage, internal injuries, and even death. Even sounds less powerful can induce temporary deafness, as was shown by studies carried out on seals, dolphins and belugas in captivity. Knowing just how dependent whales are on sounds, there is much cause for concern. During March of 000, at least 17 whales stranded themselves in the Bahamas and the population of beaked whales in this region disappeared. A federal investigation identified testing of a U. S. Ana active sonar system as the cause. There are many things we can do to decrease ocean noise, Ocean Link, an organization dedicated to ocean education, says on its website. The first would be to simply recognize that there is a noise problem in the oceans, which some governments have begun to do. With formal recognition, it may be possible for national and international agencies to work together to help reduce this problem. For any new policies regarding ocean noise, scientists should follow the precautionary principal to ensure that no further harm will come to marine mammals. From this perspective, governments should adopt legislation with the habitats of marine mammals in mind, ensuring that important areas would receive the least impact possible. While these may come too late for hundreds of sea animals that have already been damaged by underwater noise, with the right and concerted action, the seas may resonate with the sounds of whale songs, not the human-produced lethal noises of engines and machinery.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nursing Leadership In Global Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nursing Leadership In Global Healthcare - Essay Example  I relate to many leaders in my nursing field. Most of them have different ways in which they lead their teams depending on their personalities and the work experience they have in the nursing field. One of the leaders who I have interacted very well is my nurse leader. She has worked for 10 years in this field and I believe she has the best experience. She has good leadership skills, something that makes her the best team leader. She is hardworking, a good communicator, responsible, confident, honest, good team player, the good mentor, open minded, reliable resource, goal oriented and courageous. However, these attributes and behaviors can be considered either as positive or negative depending on when and how they are applied. I can say that my nursing leader is very flexible in her work. She can integrate new ideas into the team and how some measures can be taken to ensure that the best outputs are produced. This is a good show of how a good nursing leader should perform. Flexib ility in nursing is encouraged because through this attribute, many types of research are done and solutions for many nursing problems are identified (Barr & Dowding, 2012). New techniques and procedure are emerging due to this creativity in the nursing field. These techniques and procedures are then used to replace the traditional ways of problem-solving. Therefore, flexibility in leadership is a positive attribute because it leads to innovations that are used to improve the health sectors in the world. ... She is never influenced by how other members think about the issue but she gives what she thinks is right. Nurses are encouraged to honest in their work. This is because honesty will make them work very well with their team members. One of the fields that each nurse leader must be honest is the financial issues. This is a very sensitive part in nursing and each leader must give the honest arguments just in case must matters arise on it. Any dishonesty might cause very many problems to the nurse leader in charge. However, it is very important for every nurse leader to be honest (Barr & Dowding, 2012). On the other hand, I think honesty in rare occasional can be a negative attribute. This is because some truth can harm the team members who are opposing some issues. For example, some promises can be to the team members and later, the fulfillment delays. Nurse leader will have to use some tricks to make the other members believe on the reasons they are given (Ivanov & Blue, 2007). Theref ore, honesty can be a negative attribute but in a very small degree. She is a very hard working person. Her experience as a nurse leader, she got all the strength and ways in which she can manipulate others in doing the work. She always leads the team on the work to be accomplished. She is a goal getter and everything she starts must be completed with good results. She gives us tasks to do and always encourages every to give the best. This is a positive attribute of nurse leader. This attribute maximizes the work productions and makes the other members to work hard since the leader acts as the role model to them. Through her confidence, she is able to do many tasks that can be hard to other people in the team. Sometimes, she gives very difficult tasks to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Change is a feature of modern life; discuss and critically analyse how Essay
Change is a feature of modern life; discuss and critically analyse how a nurse can manage change in order to deliver effective patient care - Essay Example The presentation of current conditions regarding the above issue is also followed with views of literature on the specific subject with an effort to choose and evaluate the most appropriate model for the presentation of the nurse-patient relationship as been formulated under the influence of change in the internal and the external organizational environment. Change management is the process [1] of developing ‘a planned approach to change in an organization’. In this context it can be assumed that its main objective is ‘to maximize the collective benefits for all people involved in the change and minimize the risk of failure of implementing the change’. For the above reasons, it has been found that the discipline of change management ‘deals primarily with the human aspect of change, and is therefore related to pure and industrial psychology’. There are several theories referring to the role and the structure of change management, the most known of which is that of Lewin. Lewin’s theory of force field analysis (Lewin 1951) is widely used in change management and can be used to help understand most change processes in organisations. In force field analysis change, is characterised as ‘a state of imbalance between driving forces (e.g. new personnel, changing markets, new technology) and restraining forces (e.g. individuals fear of failure, organisational inertia)’. Moreover, in order to achieve change ‘towards a goal or vision three steps are required: Third, once the change is complete the forces are brought back into quasi-equilibrium and re-frozen’. The above theory although explains the role of secondary forces in an organizational environment does not offer an adequate explanation regarding the criteria on which the ‘frozen, de-frozen’ procedures are going to be based. Moreover, it has been
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Liberalism by Immanuel Wallerstein Essay Example for Free
Liberalism by Immanuel Wallerstein Essay This article tries to analyze the works of Immanuel Wallerstein (after liberalism) mainly on his views of what liberalism is especially in this era of globalization. After liberalism published in 1995 and it is a collection of essays, which all look at the issue of international capitalism either from a country’s perspective all from the perspectives of earlier influential writers within this context like V I Lenin. The book gives a good overview of the nature of liberalism especially in the context of international capitalism. In his analysis, Wallerstein argues that the emergence of theories like liberalism in modern times was all because of new beliefs within the political arena as well because of people’s moral sovereignty. Among the theories, Wallerstein claimed that in a modernizing world there were people who saw the changes as immoral. These people pursued Consevativism. Because of the rise of conservatism, the liberalist theory arose to defend the modernizing processes of new technologies new ways of integration as being non-expedient processes for a better global society. After the rise of liberalism and its application, a new theory emerged (socialism). Unlike the conservatisms, socialists did agree with the liberalists that the issue of modernization or progress was both desirable and inevitable. However, unlike the liberalists socialists were strongly suspicious of the top-down system of reforms advocated by liberalists. Liberalism: This broad field encompasses many different ideas and theories concerning the roles of governments. Liberalism generally advocates for individual liberty, mixed market systems, liberal democratic governments (transparent) as well as the application of the rule of law. International capitalism: international capitalism is the system of processes that allow for the growth of globalization. It is the practice of capitalism on a global perspective. Thus, it involves the international ownership of modes of production by individuals and the unrestricted transfer of international funds and investment projects globally. In his argument, Wallerstein claims that the classification of third world countries is uncalled for. This is because as he says the so called third world has been intertwined in the structure of international capitalism in such a way that there are even subsidiaries of multinational firms based in the third world countries that contribute money to the parent company countries that is in excess of what the parent companies pay. After liberalism is quite clear on the issue of national development. Wallerstein goes ahead in Borrowing ideas from such authorities as Adam smith (the wealth of nations), as well as ideas from people like Vladimir Lenin and Paul Kruger. Wallerstein concludes that even with the advent of international capitalism and globalization, the issue of national sovereignty and national development is very crucial in ensuring that the vices of capitalism are always kept to a level minimum. CONCLUSION: After liberalism is an authoritative collection of essays that tries to expose the nature and processes associated with international capitalism and globalization. However, the book fails to explain issues of under development especially in the third world more clearly. In addition, the process of colonization and its impacts on both the colonizing states as well as the colonized should have been analyzed. This is because issues of international capitalism affect all nations alike and thus the root causes of under development in some of the countries would have to be addressed. REFERENCE: Wallerstein Immanuel (1995), after liberalism, new press, New York.
Friday, November 15, 2019
attendace is it necessary? Essay -- essays research papers
Does it Matter how its Taught?: Is Attendance Necessary?      The first thing that I began to think about is my own personal experience with this question in the first day of class. The reason being is that I have been in college for now 4 years and I am severely behind in terms of a 4-year degree at this point. I have had my times to think about what I like in terms of teaching style, but never had the right teacher to make me believe in the style. In this essay I hope to convince you (the reader) that it is mostly the way the student looks for flaws in the teaching style instead of embracing it. Also I will explain that in certain places across the country that certain teaching styles are easier to students in certain environments.      In my early years at school there are many different teaching styles that I encountered. First being the large lecture hall, then the small freshman writing classes, the hands on theatre classes and the many other different style and size classes. The larger lecture style classes were already over filled due to the university’s demand for these classes. The teacher would come in and just sit down, take role and call on the same students who usually understood the material a little better that the rest of the class and then we would leave. Repetition I have learned is a nightmare to some students, this is no learning environment for most students, even in our class the larger percentage of students couldn’t wait until time was up. Only a few got the time and effort of help from the professor, who normally didn’t even answer our question stating that â€Å"This is a lecture class format and if you can’t figure it out I can’t help you†. Now this may not be true for some professors, and perhaps this professor just didn’t have the time or knowledge but the question is how is it taught, and this is not the right way.      The second style of teaching that I will point too is the smaller more group-oriented classes where discussion is more prevalent. Question and answer from the instructor is more common and group exercises help students understand the basis for argument. Argument is a small tool to help students take different sides to a topic is one of the greatest teaching tools but has a few opponents however. Gerald Graff writes in the Yale University P... ...t colleges, they skate though classes without ever finding their true calling. Without these teachers drawing students into their classes then most of us wouldn’t finish school, we as students have to have something to look forward to something too, in going to class. If it’s a good looking girl, the funny teacher, that guy that sits next to you, whatever it is the most important thing is to listen to what the teacher has to say. These teachers even if their boring, take pride in what they do even if we don’t like it.      Some say that teaching is an art form, some may like the art it others don’t. What we have to consider is that they way professors teach us isn’t always the right way for the right people. Numerous studies have been conducted as to how teaching styles affects certain students, with this in mind how it’s taught is a direct correlation to how we think.      As we draw the line back to the beginning, the way its taught has everything to do with what I like to learn. If we as students get the opportunity to skip class, because some students like to learn on there own, than that’s a choice we should be able to take.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Addition as Choice Essay
Substance abuse is a pervasive problem throughout the United States. It affects all populations, socioeconomic groups, ages, and races. Within the community of substance abuse treatment providers, there is an ongoing debate on whether addiction is a disease, or whether individuals who abuse substances choose to engage in the behavior. There is evidence to support both positions. This paper will examine the controversy surrounding the issue of whether addiction is a choice, and examine the arguments presented by both sides. Addiction is a Choice Many individuals view substance abuse and drug addiction as a choice. These individuals argue that addicts choose to put the addictive substance in their body, therefore triggering the subsequent chemical reaction that occurs (Schaler, 2000) Individuals who argue that addiction is a choice, do not dispute that there is a physiological reaction when the drug or alcohol enters the body, and that long-term use alters the addicts brain chemistry. What they take issue with is the disease concept of addiction. Proponents of the choice theory argue that by labeling addiction as a disease, personal responsibility is removed from the equation, thereby allowing the addict to justify continued use as they are â€Å"unable†to stop (Schaler, 2000). See more: Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Experience with addiction treatment confirms the choice theory, according to proponents of this stance. The most frequently recommended and popular method of recovery from addiction is Alcoholics Anonymous and its various offshoots (Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, etc.). Alcoholics Anonymous is a program that offers support to the addict and postulates that the individual must undergo a psychic and spiritual change in order to maintain abstinence and achieve physical and emotional sobriety. The 12-steps utilized by Alcoholics Anonymous primarily revolve around an individual becoming honest about their substance use, realizing the damage their use has caused to themselves and others, making amends for the damage, and developing skills to assist them in staying sober and maintaining a healthy life. Critics of the disease model argue that AA and its offshoots talk about an ethical and spiritual solution, not a medical one (Schaler, 2000). Primary treatment approaches utilized in substance abuse treatment centers revolve around a psychotherapeutic foundation, rather than a medical one. Skill building, cognitive behavioural treatment, psych educational groups, and process groups comprise the majority of treatment in drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers. These are combined with a healthy diet, treatment of any mental health issues, and plenty of exercise. Again, no evidence of treatment of any physical disease (Schaler, 2000). Perhaps individuals who are alcoholics are allergic to alcohol. They still possess choice in whether or not to take the drink, just as individuals who break out in a rash when they eat strawberries, can choose whether or not to eat a strawberry, knowing the potential consequences. Addiction as a Disease Individuals who subscribe to the addiction as disease model argue that there is a psychological as well as a physical component to addiction. Initially, the argument is made that humans are conditioned to do things that cause them pleasure. Humans will repeatedly engage in an activity that elicits a positive reward. Humans also repeatedly engage in behaviors that allow them to avoid or escape negative consequences or results. Addictive drugs have the ability to reinforce strong behavioral responses and compel conditioned memories (Young, 1999). Addictive drugs produce different effects on body systems and each has a different immediate or long-term health consequence. But what truly separates addictive drugs from other classes of drugs is their ability to alter brain chemistry involved in the processes of reinforcement, learning and memory. Addictive drugs hijack our system’s natural response to rewards (Young, 1999). Repeated drug use can significantly alter brain chemistry. Three different types of change are important for addictive drug use. Repeated use of the drug can increase tolerance, so that increasingly higher doses of the drug are required to produce the same effect. With some drugs, tolerance occurs because the drug begins to break down more efficiently, requiring more of the drug to experience the high, while in other cases, tolerance appears to occur at the level of the neurons. Another physiological change important to the development of addiction is that repeated use of some drugs can produce physical dependence, wherein the nerves in the brain and body only function normally in the presence of the drug. Failure to use the drug can result in physical withdrawal symptoms. A third way that brain chemistry is altered is in the reward pathways themselves. Repeated use of some drugs, such as methamphetamine, may cause the brain to decrease its production of dopamine and other pleasure i nducing chemicals. This can result in intense cravings when the drug is withdrawn, as the individual is unable to experience pleasure any other way (Young, 1999). One complicating variable with regard to the disease concept of addiction is that for many individuals, exposure to drugs and alcohol does not cause addiction. They are able to use opioids as prescribed and drink alcohol socially. Some individuals seem to be able to use drugs and alcohol recreationally, while others become addicted. Explanations vary. First, individuals vary in their biology, and there may be a genetic component to addiction. Second, the set of expectations associated with drug use may influence how easily one becomes addicted. Third, individuals may differ in learned vulnerability. For instance, an alcoholic, who never took pills of any kind, ceases alcohol use. After a substantial amount of time of sobriety, the alcoholic is prescribed pain medication as the result of the surgery. The alcoholic then becomes addicted to pain medication (Young, 1999). Statement of position After substantial research I am taking the position that addiction is a disease. It was initially concluded that people naturally seek out pleasurable experiences. Why else would individuals who are functional, sound decision-makers in every area of their life, be unable to control or manage their intake of alcohol or drugs, even in the face of tremendous and unpleasant consequences? Jail, loss of children, loss of jobs and homes, homelessness, engagement in criminal activities; it is hard to perceive anyone choosing to continue substance use in the face of these consequences. The chronic alcoholic or drug addict will continue use of the substance, regardless of consequences, to the point of death. This can only be the result of biochemical changes in the brain as the result of substance use, perhaps combined with a genetic predisposition to addiction. Chronic alcoholics and drug addicts should be treated with the same care that one treats a diabetic or someone with hypertension. Treatments involve behavioral changes, as well as medications, dietary changes, and exercise (McLellan, 2002). But like many with chronic disease, patients do not always cooperate with treatment. This is recognized in the medical community with regard to diabetes and hypertension, however when the alcoholic or drug addict behaves as others who have a chronic disease would, it is considered a moral issue. The argument concerning Alcoholics Anonymous and treatment centers does not hold water with regard to those with a chronic condition. Individuals enter treatment or AA programs with varying degrees of addiction. An individual may enter AA after receiving his first DUI, and decide that he has a problem and needs help to stay sober. He arrests the disease before it progresses. This is similar to the diabetic, who prior to be diagnosed with Type II diabetes, is warned by her physician that she is pre-diabetic. She proceeds to make lifestyle changes that arrest her disease, and she never becomes a full-blown diabetic. The AA program will help the addict change their lifestyle making it easier for some addicts to resist behaviors that encourage use, and eventually addiction. Multicultural Considerations Addiction is viewed differently in a variety of cultures. Within the United States, the African-American community experiences high rates of alcoholism and drug addiction. This is typically viewed as the result of genetics, combined with socioeconomic factors such as poverty, unemployment, and high educational dropout rates. The Native American community experiences rates of alcoholism much higher than any other North American culture. Hispanic culture, particularly Mexicans and Puerto Ricans show higher rates of substance use; however individuals from Cuba and Central American countries show a reduced rate of substance use (SAMHSA Office of Applied Studies, 1998). Cultural considerations need to be taken into account when providing treatment services to addicts, as different cultures view addiction differently. Some cultures, like Native American and African-American, tend to view addiction as a disease; while other cultures, like Asian or Hispanic, may view substance abuse as a mor al issue or an issue of choice. How the addict sees the disease can help determine a route of treatment. Critical Literacy The two primary positions presented in this paper regarding addiction, both attempt to determine causes of addiction. They utilize scientific methods, literature reviews, and deductive reasoning to come to their conclusions. There is a strong psychological component to addiction, combined with biochemical changes. Both views attempt to shape the existing science and research to support their positions; one from a medical framework and the other psychological/sociological framework. Civic Literacy Costs related to substance use and abuse is astronomical in the United States. The US criminalization of drugs accounts for millions of dollars spent annually on police forces, trial lawyers, judges and correctional facilities. Other financial factors to be considered are the rise in crime rates in areas where substance use is prevalent, the increase in theft and property damage; the cost in failed marriages and children neglected and abused; the cost to emergency rooms which are required to treat individuals who present in crisis, regardless of their ability to pay. Socially, substance use destroys families and undermines the values that the US was founded on.Citizens can help by educating themselves about addiction and understanding that it is a disease. The majority of addicts need treatment, jobs, housing and a variety of other services to assist them in staying clean and sober. Citizens can vote for legislation that provides funding for treatment centers and necessary social ser vices, rather than increasing the number of jails and correctional facilities. Science Literacy The medical aspects of addiction require that science be actively involved in contributing to a solution. Scientists study brain chemistry and are now able to take pictures of individual’s brains that demonstrate the dramatic changes that occur when substances are introduced to an individual’s body. Medications are being tested that may reduce the cravings that addicts experience when they withdrawal from drugs. The field of psychology contributes to the reduction of addiction by providing addicts with cognitive-behavioral restructuring with regard to substance use, and assisting with any co-occurring mental health disorders. Values Literacy Many people consider addiction a moral issue. They believe that if an individual just had enough willpower, they could choose to not use a substance they are addicted to. Many in North America believe this, and there are articles and books written regarding the topic of addiction as a choice. However, the science is clear, once a person is addicted, a variety of treatments are necessary to assist them in addressing the biochemical changes that have occurred in their body. Most of these treatments are not medical; they are psychological and involve restructuring an individual’s thought process as well as teaching them skills to cope with their addiction. Individuals with addiction should be treated as if they are a sufferer of a chronic disease, with the same level of care and compassion one would treat someone with diabetes or hypertension. Conclusion In conclusion, there exists within the United States, two views regarding addiction. Some believe that addiction is a choice and that individuals who are addicts can choose whether to use or not. Others believe in the disease model of addiction. While strong arguments are made on both sides, the science is clear with regard to the disease model, although it is likely that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Clinical Trial On Piriformis Anaesthetic Health And Social Care Essay
The purpose of this clinical test is to compare the patients of pure piriformis syndrome treated with local anesthetic alone or a combination of local anesthetic and methylprednisolone. Thirty-one patients diagnosed with piriformis syndrome who received a fluoroscopy guided piriformis musculus injection. There were no signii ¬?cant differences in average baseline VAS scores between the two groups of the survey. There were a signii ¬?cant differences between average baseline and average VAS tonss obtained during telephone interview for both groups.Pain VAS had improved by a agencies of 5.13 and 6.06 compared to the baseline degree in the local anesthetic and steroid groups, severally. It was concluded that no extra benefit from utilizing corticoid was identified after piriformis musculus injection and both bupivacaine entirely and in combination with methylprednisolone have a important consequence in alleviating chronic hurting of pure piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome is an uncommon and frequently underdiagnosed cause of hurting in the cheek part and referred hurting in the lower dorsum and leg. Intolerance to sitting, dyspareunia in females, and sciatica are some of the common symptoms attributed to this syndrome. It is the true diagnosing in 6 % to 8 % of patients with back hurting and sciatica. Mechanism normally accepted is an inflamed or spastic piriformis musculus that compresses the sciatic nervus against the bony pelvic girdle. Trauma, hypertrophy and anatomic fluctuations of musculus and sciatic nervus, infections, myositis ossificans are common cause of piriformis syndrome. Priformis syndrome may be treated by curative stretch, massage, ultrasound, use and non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Caudal steroid injection, injection of piriformis musculus with local anesthetics and steroids or botulinus toxins, and surgical resection of the musculus have been reported as effectual intervention options. Injections may be performed blindly, with musculus electromyography, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, or with computed tomographic or MRI counsel. Nerve stimulators may besides be used to place the sciatic nervus. Local anesthetics interrupt the pain-spasm rhythm and resounding nociceptor transmittal, whereas corticoids have anti-inflammatory belongingss related to suppression of prostaglandin synthesis, decreases in regional degrees of inflammatory go-betweens and by doing a reversible local anesthetic consequence. Eventhough their antiinflammatory belongingss corticoids have been hypothesized to be of benei ¬?t for nervus root infiltration. The emerging grounds besides implies that the durable curative consequence may be obtained with local anesthetics with or without steroids. Tachihara et Al. illustrated that no extra benefit from utilizing corticoid was identified after nervus root infiltration. Therefore, it is suggested that corticoids may be unneeded for nervus root blocks. There are besides inauspicious reactions in response to the disposal of man-made corticoids such as dermatologic conditions, osteonecrosis, peptic ulcer formation, weight addition, hyperglycaemia, Cushing ‘s syndrome and psychiatric symptoms changing from mild temper alterations to wholly developed psychosis. In the present survey, the purpose was to measure the patients of pure piriformis syndrome treated with local anesthetic alone or a combination of local anesthetic and methylprednisolone.MethodsThis survey conducted on retrospective rating of 31 patients diagnosed with piriformis syndrome, at the University of Inonu, School of Medicine, Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pain Clinic, Malatya, Turkey between 2007 to 2009, who received a fluoroscopy guided piriformis musculus injection. All the patients were given elaborate information on the process and informed written consent was obtained from all of them. The present survey was approved by Local Ethics Committee. Piriformis syndrome was diagnosed from the followers: clinical history, physical scrutiny, EMG findings and by excepting other pathological conditions of the lumbar, sacral, sacroiliac and hep joint countries by physical scrutiny and magnetic resonance imagination or computed imaging if needed. Piriformis syndrome was suggested by hurting on tactual exploration of the sciatic notch and reproduction of hurting with manoeuvres that stretch or contract the piriformis musculus over the sciatic nervus such as forceful internal rotary motion of extended thigh ( Freiberg ‘s Maneuver ) and active hip flexure, abduction or adduction and internal rotary motion by the patient lying with the painful side up, the painful leg flexed and articulatio genus resting on the tabular array ( Beatty ‘s manoeuvre ) . All patients were examined by a individual hurting specializer and non referred by any other doctor. Exclusion standards included patients known allergic reactions to local anesthe tic and bleeding diathesis. Piriformis injections were carried out by a individual hurting specializer. The patients were placed prone on a fluoroscopy tabular array. In a unfertile manner, the cheek country on the affected side was widely prepped and draped. AP position of the hemi-pelvis and cotyloid part was obtained and so a metal marker is placed on 1/3 of sidelong facet of fanciful line between the greater trochanter and sacrum. Local infiltration with 0.5 % prilocaine was used for local anesthesia. Two milliliter of radiographic contrast stuff ( iohexol ) was injected to obtain a satisfactory myogram ( Figure 1 ) . A syringe was prepared with 10 milliliters of 0.5 % bupivacaine in local anesthetic group or 9 milliliter of 0.5 % bupivacaine + 40 milligram methylprednisolone ( 10 milliliters entire ) in steroid group and injected into the piriformis musculus after negative aspiration for blood. Following the process patients should observe alleviation of their usual hurting. All patients were responded good to a individual injection. The patients that were stubborn to local anesthetic and/or steroid medicine were non considered as a exclusive piriformis syndrome and non included to the survey. After the process, the patients were transferred to the recovery room for 1 hr and until any leg numbness subsides. If hurting persisted a 2nd injection was carried out with same manner. The primary result parametric quantity of the survey was hurting assessed by VAS, analgetic usage, hurting on motion and patient satisfaction. Follow-up scrutinies were conducted by telephone interview 6 months after local injection. Analysiss were performed utilizing SPSS 16.0 version ( SPSS Inc. , Chicago, IL ) . The Kolmogorov-Smirnov trial was used to find whether the informations deviated from the normal distribution. Nonparametric informations were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U trial. Proportions were compared utilizing the Chi-square trial. P & A ; lt ; 0.05 was considered as important.ConsequencesMedical records of 68 patients with piriformis syndrome were evaluated. Thirty-one patients fuli ¬?lled the inclusion standards. The patient ‘s features including age, sex, weight, tallness, involved side and history of hurting until injection were comparable between groups ( Table 1 ) . No signii ¬?cant differences were noted sing first diagnosing before acknowledging hurting clinic, and conventional used intervention ( Table 2 ) . Three patient from local anesthetic group and two patients from steroid group needed to reiterate injection ( Table 2 ) . The injections for these 5 patients were repeated in a twosome of yearss. The other patients did non hold a repetition injection. There were no important differences between average baseline VAS scores between the two groups of the survey. There were important differences between average baseline and average VAS tonss obtained during telephone interview for both groups ( P & A ; lt ; 0.041 ) . Pain VAS had improved by a agencies of 5.1 and 6.1 compared to the baseline degree in the local anesthetic and steroid groups, severally. Adverse effects were seen by 27 % of the steroid and 6 % of the placebo patients. These included sleepiness in 2 steroid group patients, and 1 local anesthetic group patient, hypotension lasted in two yearss in 1 and temper alterations in 1 steroid group patients. There were no other inauspicious effects such as fluctuations of glucose degree, gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, osteonecrosis, infection, or demand of extra medical intervention attributed to the investigational medicines.DiscussionPiriformis syndrome is non to the full understood clinical syndrome and typically characterized by stray sciatic hurting limited to the cheek with radiation down the thigh, without centripetal shortages or neurogenic cause. Robinson described six diagnostic characteristics of piriformis syndrome which were: ( I ) a history of injury to the sacroiliac and gluteal parts ; ( II ) hurting in the part of the sacroiliac articulation, greater sciatic notch, and piriformis musculus that normally extends d own the limb and causes trouble with walking ; ( III ) acute aggravation of hurting caused by crouching or raising ; ( IV ) a tangible allantoid mass, stamp to tactual exploration, over the piriformis musculus on the affected side ; ( V ) a positive Las & A ; egrave ; gue mark ; and ( VI ) gluteal wasting, depending on the continuance of the status. There is no dependable nonsubjective trial to place the piriformis musculus syndrome and this is leads in many instances to great seeking for the beginning of the intractable sciatica among the lumbar pathologies. Many writers have considered injury in the gluteal country as the major cause of piriformis syndrome. Jawish et Al. believed that piriformis syndrome could be related to exacerbated rotators activity as it was observed in patients with difficult physical activity, Walkers, sports and football player or with insistent injury of nervus in patients with drawn-out sitting place. Regardless of the physiopathologic beginning of the c omplex upset, physical scrutiny and imaging surveies should be combined to corroborate the diagnosing. As, piriformis syndrome is a diagnosing of exclusion, although the patients had radicular symptoms were exluded from the survey, other imagination or correlativity to except were more common causes of sciatic hurting, such as lumbar phonograph record herniation, posterior aspect syndromes or spinal stricture, had been obtained from our included patients. The intervention end is directed ab initio toward diminishing ini ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ammation, associated hurting, and cramp as hurting originates due to the entrapment of the nervus root or to one of its subdivisions, taking to the development of myofascial trigger point. This hurting may besides be due to energy crisis produced from a loss of O and alimentary supply in the presence of an increased metabolic demand. This leads to the release of neuroactive biochemicals that sensitize nearby nervousnesss that in bend initiate the motor and sensory of myofascial trigger point via the cardinal nervous system ensuing in mechanical hypersensitivity. Injection of the 10 milliliter local anesthetic into the abdomen of the musculus as we used in our survey may rinse up such biochemicals. This injection may ensue in musculus relaxation and release of the entrapped nervus. To our cognition, our survey is the i ¬?rst clinical test comparing the effectivity of local anesthetic and methylprednisolone added to the local anesthetic. Naja et Al. compared bupivacaine ( 9 mL 0.5 % bupivacaine in a entire volume of 10 milliliter ) and bupivacaine plus clonidine ( 9 mL 0.5 % bupivacaine and 1 milliliter 150 milligram Catapres ) in a randomised double-blind test included 80 patients with piriformis syndrome who received a nervus stimulator guided piriformis injection. The average VAS tonss obtained after 6 months follow up were 4.5, 3.5 and 3.3 on walking, sitting and lying down, severally. Better consequences with Catapres had been obtained. Benzon et Al. retrospectively reviewed the charts of 19 patients who had received piriformis musculus injections and described a technique for piriformis injection. After 80-100 milligram methyl Pediapred or Aristocort injection to the schiatic nervus and piriformis musculus, 18 of the 19 patients responded to the injectio n, with betterments runing from a few hours to 3 months. The three patients with pure piriformis syndrome had 70-90 % response to piriformis injection for 1-3 months. In Fishman et al.5 survey all participants received an injection of 1.5 milliliter of 2 % Lidocaine and 0.5 milliliter ( 20 milligram ) of Aristocort and improved an norm of 71.1 % , proposing the efi ¬?cacy of corticoid and lidocaine injection combined with physical therapy in handling piriformis syndrome. Filler et Al. reported 162 patients with pure piriformis syndrome given 10 milliliter of bupivacaine and 1 milliliter of celestone: 14.9 % had sustained hurting alleviation runing from 8 months to 6 old ages without return, 7.5 % had 2 to 4 months of alleviation but required a 2nd injection, 36.6 % had 2 to 4 months of alleviation but experienced return after a 2nd injection, 25.4 % of these patients benefited for merely 2 hebdomads, and 15.7 % received no benefit. The consequence of this retrospective survey pointed out that both bupivacaine entirely and in combination with methylprednisolone have a important consequence in alleviating chronic hurting of pure piriformis syndrome and it was concluded that no extra benefit from utilizing corticoid was identified after piriformis musculus injection. Competing involvement: No external support and no viing involvements declared
Friday, November 8, 2019
Women in Combat essays
Women in Combat essays The Idea of women in combat is not unusual anymore. Women should be able to hold combat positions because, although physical strength matters, the military still needs the intelligence that women can bring. By banning women from combat it also hurts their military careers. Although women only account for a small portion of the military, they still play a major role. Their performance has generated support from the public for enhancing the role of females in the military. The United States is not the only country that has issues with women in the military. Only two countries besides the United States have used women in modern warfare. First, was Russia during World War two and later, Israel in 1948. Russian women flew fighters to protect Stalin grad from advancing German armies and also took up arms to protect the city (Campell 57). After the war, Russian women were banned from all combat positions. During the war it was documented that they performed extremely well in their combat positions. The women pilots were soon called Night Watchers due to their great performance (Campell 320). Israel during the War for independence, also used women in direct combat positions. There was a great need for women to serve in combat positions because so many men had been killed on the front lines. Israeli experience with women in combat is much different from the Russian. After the war ended the Israeli military conducted a survey, which determined that the men were adversely affected by seeing women killed or maimed in combat (campell -326). In 1948 women all over the world accounted for a very small percentage of the military. This led to a traditionalist view of the role of women in the military and many Israeli men shared this view. Serving in a ground combat unit is the most physically demanding job in the military. To serve with a...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
WWI Draft Registration Records
WWI Draft Registration Records All males in the United States between the ages of 18 and 45 were required by law to register for the draft throughout 1917 and 1918, making WWI draft records a rich source of information on millions of American males born between about 1872 and 1900. The WWI draft registration records are by far the biggest group of such draft records in the U.S., containing names, ages, dates, and place of birth for more than 24 million men. Notable registrants of the World War One draft include, among many others, Louis Armstrong, Fred Astaire, Charlie Chaplin, Al Capone, George Gershwin, Norman Rockwell, and Babe Ruth. Record Type: Draft registration cards, original records (microfilm and digital copies also available) Location: U.S., although some individuals of foreign birth are also included. Time Period: 1917–1918 Best For: Learning the exact date of birth for all registrants (especially useful for men born prior to the onset of state birth registration), and exact place of birth for men born between 6 June 1886 and 28 August 1897 who registered in the first or second draft (possibly the only source of this information for foreign-born men who never became naturalized U.S. citizens). What Are WWI Draft Registration Records? On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act authorized the President to temporarily increase the U.S. military. Under the office of the Provost Marshal General, the Selective Service System was established to draft men into military service. Local boards were created for each county or similar state subdivision, and for each 30,000 people in cities and counties with a population greater than 30,000. During World War I there were three draft registrations: 5 June 1917 - all men between the ages of 21 and 31 residing in the U.S. - whether native born, naturalized, or alien5 June 1918 - men who reached age 21 after 5 June 1917. (A supplemental registration, included in the second registration, was held on 24 August 1918, for men who turned 21 years old after 5 June 1918.)12 September 1918 - all men between age 18 and 45. What You Can Learn From WWI Draft Records: At each of the three draft registrations a different form was used, with slight variations in the information requested. In general, however, youll find the registrants full name, address, phone number, date and place of birth, age, occupation and employer, the name and address of the nearest contact or relative, and the signature of the registrant. Other boxes on the draft cards asked for descriptive details such as race, height, weight, eye and hair color and other physical characteristics. Keep in mind that WWI Draft Registration Records are not military service records and they dont document anything past the individuals arrival at training camp and contain no information about an individuals military service. It is also important to note that not all of the men who registered for the draft actually served in the military, and not all men who served in the military registered for the draft. Where Can I Access WWI Draft Records? The original WWI draft registration cards are in the custody of the National Archives - Southeast Region near Atlanta, Georgia. They are also available on microfilm (National Archives publication M1509) at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, local Family History Centers, the National Archives and its Regional Archive centers. On the Web, subscription-based offers a searchable index of the WWI Draft Registration Records, as well as digital copies of the actual cards. The complete collection of digitized WWI draft records, plus a searchable index, is also available online for free from FamilySearch - United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917–1918. How to Search the WWI Draft Registration Records To effectively search for an individual among the WWI draft registration records, youll need to know at least the name and the county in which he registered. In large cities and in some large counties, youll also need to know the street address to determine the correct draft board. There were 189 local boards in New York City, for example. Searching by name only is not always enough as is fairly common to have numerous registrants with the same name. If you dont know the individuals street address, there are several sources where you may be able to find this information. City directories are the best source, and can be found at most large public libraries in that city and through Family History Centers. Other sources include the 1920 Federal Census (assuming that the family didnt move after the draft registration), and any contemporary records of events that occurred about that time (vital records, naturalization records, wills, etc.). If youre searching online and dont know where your individual was living, you can sometimes find him through other identifying factors. Many individuals, especially in the southeast U.S., registered by their full name, including middle name, which can make them easier to identify. You could also narrow the search by month, day and/or year of birth.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Century of women in Britain and United State Essay
Century of women in Britain and United State - Essay Example During this century, the life styles of women have changed vastly. The activities of women have brought an important role in transformation of women. Many workingwomen have reached pinnacles in their selective fields. They have become champions in the fields of educational institutions, science and technology. Now the women are more economically stronger and independent than a century ago. The women are not involved in union activities. Now the women in UK & USA can exercise their franchise not like in olden days. Now the women are well educated and participated in national politics. The women were first employed in jobs during the currency of First World War. After the First World War, the services rendered by the woman were forgotten, as they did not enter into domestic service. The start of industries gave some opportunities to women to get good jobs with good returns. The involvement of women in second world war and the role played by them brought changes in awareness and consciousness within the women and the in the society too. The politicians thought of safeguarding the interests of women at their respective work place. The women desired to stick to their jobs by showing their individuality but some women wanted to come back to their domestic service. The work force of woman has largely increased in the year 1940 when compared to the work force of women in the year1939. After Second World War the need of edu cation in higher education and technology has been increased for women after 1960, the entire world wanted to bring a change in inequality irrespective of their class, race and religion.The history of the women is the product of time of century old women. It is the growth of the women for the last 25 years, which focused on their memories, testimonies and pointing out women's experience. After events of revolution in 1968, the socialist feminism is possible once again the world, liberation of women in capitalism. At the end of 1960, the emergence of feminist framework and civil rights movement could be seen. In 1980s Thatcher and Reagan have elaborated the same. In both the countries of USA and Britain have contrasts of class, race, ethnicity, along with region, age and disability. The books did not carry a definite socialist analysis of the history of women in 20th centuries. The working class woman has not transformed the liberation of women forward. In 20th century, the women hav e achieved, in many nations, the right to vote, increased their changes in educational and job opportunities. Women used to feel wifehood and motherhood were most important events in their career. History shows that women is creative source of human life, women are always treated as inferior to men, since olden days. The attitude towards women was favorable in the east. In USA, the women were felt weaker than men as they couldn't do hard work which requires muscle power. In women, the Americans found lack of intellectual development. The women were allowed to attend domestic works such as caring of children, cooking cleaning of house and washing clothes. It was felt that women's main role in the society was to give birth to children. In the present scenario, because of major publicity to follow contraceptive methods control over number children besides
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cultural Sensitivity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cultural Sensitivity - Essay Example Health care disparities encompass inequalities in regards to rank, social status and age. Disparities in the health care system are closely linked to equity. There are various factors that lead to the differences among individuals. The US population is highly multi-ethnic, and it is mandatory to understand the various cultures (Diller, 10). In spite of the advancements made in the health care system, there are increasing differences in health status among Hispanics, Native Americans, African Americans, Haitians, Jamaicans and Pacific Islanders (Diller, 10). Additionally, the challenges facing the healthcare sector have increased over the years as the population becomes more ethnically diverse. The future of the health care system in the US will be influenced significantly by advancements in ethnic minorities.The composition of the US population has been changing dramatically over the years. This is true from the statistics shown by the recent studies conducted on the population. In t he past decade, there was a relative increase in ethnic groups as follows: non-Hispanic White 5.5%, African American, 16.4%, Hispanic, 65.3% and Pacific Islanders 123.5% (Diller, 11). If this development continues in the future, the number of ethnic minorities will continue rising. Statistics from the census conducted in 2000 reinforce this argument. This further emphasizes the need for cultural competency in the health care system. The table below shows the expected figures by 2042 (Diller, 11). Composition of the US population Ethnic group 2009 (%) 2050 projections (%) Native Americans 1.6 2.0 Asians 5 9 Hispanics 15 30 Non- Hispanic Whites 66 46 Source: Diller, 12 There are five key challenges facing health practitioners in ensuring cultural sensitivity. The main challenge is communication; different ethnic groups have their native languages and hence may not communicate fluently in English. This calls for the need of interpreters for various languages (Weinstein, 447). Secondly, patients from different groups are conservative and are reluctant to talk about sexual matters and other personal problems. Thirdly, there exist clinical differences among the different ethnic groups, for example, the prevalence to some diseases including hypertension and diabetes. The fourth challenge is ethics; Medical practitioners should have respect for different cultures and beliefs while handling their patients. Last but not least is the problem of trust; Patients from different ethnic groups tend to be afraid of the figures in authority and fail to trust the care givers in hospitals. The issue of cultural diversity in the health care sector is here to stay, and there are numerous solutions to the problems emanating from this diversity. Health care providers should
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