Monday, May 25, 2020
Frank Darabont s Corrupt Film Adaptation Of The Green Mile
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the Literary and Media Arts Festival. In today’s session, Novel to Film Adaptations – Empowering the Marginalised Perspective, Frank Darabont’s corrupt film adaptation of, The Green Mile, will be exposed as a blatant juxtaposition of Paul Edgecombe’s journal on which it is based. Through the film, audiences are invited to follow the disturbing experiences and happenings upon the green mile in 1932 at the Cold Mountain Penitentiary death row as articulated in Mr. Edgecombe’s journal. The film constructs Percy Wetmore as cruel, malevolent and aggressive, however, this is contrasted by the reality presented in the journal, through which he portrays characteristics of dedication, determination, and†¦show more content†¦Additionally, the written evidence at no point claims or even insinuates that Percy ever raised his baton or even acknowledged Delacroix in this scene, whilst the film has an extensive exhi bition of him ruthlessly attacking Delacroix, this is a complete fabrication. The evident web of lives through which Darabont has portrayed Percy in his film in an attempt to convince audiences he is corrupt when the reality reveals he was diligent and dedicated, this is, therefore, a complete misrepresentation of people and events. The Squashing of Mr. Jingles is a scene in the film which cleverly appeals to the emotions of audiences, and is particularly significant as it further establishes the demonization of Percy. In this particular scene, a low camera angle, confronting sound effects and elusive dialogue are all deployed in the misrepresentation of Mr. Wetmore. Audiences follow a low and deceptive camera angle of Mr. Jingles, whom is nothing more than common vermin, running across the corridor of the Green Mile, when Percy’s foot is shown emerging unexpectedly from above before he step’s on the mouse, with an overdramatised loud crack upon impact, he follows up this action with the words in a malicious tone, â€Å"I knew I’d get him sooner or later. Just a matter of time, really.†Whilst,
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Oral Hygiene And The Disease Of Diabetes - 841 Words
Abstract Dental Hygienists have an enormous amount of problems with their patients, one problem being that their patients have diabetes. Patients don t realize that if they have diabetes they are more susceptible to getting serious gum disease. Studies have shown that 90-95% of patients have Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ( The goal of this problem is for patients to not accrue the disease of diabetes by taking care of their oral hygiene. The relevance of this topic is for patients to know the importance of their oral hygiene and what can happen to their health. Hygienists can approach this problem by explaining the complications, for instance xerostomia, thrush, burning†¦show more content†¦Like I mentioned above patients can get xerostomia, thrush, and burning mouth or tongue. As a Dental Hygienists, it is your responsibility to maintain the periodontal disease and educate your patients. Discussion Having Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is associated with oral infections. A major oral infection that will be discussed is periodontal disease. Periodontal disease and Diabetes Mellitus have a two-way relationship; periodontal disease is the sixth most common complication of Diabetes Mellitus and DM is the strongest risk factor for periodontal disease ( A risk factor that can occur from diabetes is xerostomia; this is the condition of not having enough saliva to keep the mouth wet ( As a dental hygienist, you should be concerned because this increases the chances of accumulating an oral infection. Xerostomia can be treated depending on the starting point of your dry mouth. A hygienist should inform the patient about the treatments that can be done to help their xerostomia because its a symptom of high sugar levels. With a dry mouth, the patient could have diabetes and being in the health profession you need to be cautious of your surroundings. This is one important role a hygienist has to deal with, with a patient that has diabetes. Another problem a hygienist can come in contact with
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay The Pact - 1319 Words
The Pact With Teacher Comments To say that I have a personal connection with any of the authors of â€Å"The Pact†(Books should be underlined or in italics, but not in quotatations) would be a stretch at best. From the time before my very first breath, my life has been completely different. Throughout the years, my life further diverged, until you examine our (maybe use â€Å"my†instead of â€Å"our†– makes the connection to yourself) college years. Despite the differences, many similarities can be found just by taking a look at events, rather than situations. These situations (events – you said to focus on the events rather than the situations) are my connection to â€Å"The Pact†. The families of the three authors had all been relatively†¦show more content†¦When he sold it, he was able to get a broken motorcycle, and repaired it, until he worked to own his first Corvette. The skills he acquired financed his first year of college as an aerospace engineer. After finding that the industry was basically flooded, and would not expect a rewarding career, he intended to temporarily drop out, and change directions. Shortly after he dropped out, he received word that he was being drafted by the military. He struck a deal with the Navy that would send him to â€Å"New Power†school, which was a rigorous nuclear engineering school. He had intended to stay away from the fighting, and by using his brain he was able to. He was given a position as a nuclear engineer onboard the sister ship The Enterprise, and I believe on a nuclear weapons development program, but that information remains classified. Outside of the military, he worked for nuclear power plants, and earned a Professional Engineering Degree â€Å"PE†in electrical engineering, and had taught himself enough to be able to get one in mechanical engineering, and aerospace engineering. This allowed him to find work almost anywhere, and when his salary no longer was able to pay the bills for my 4 brothers and sisters, that became useful. My mother took a job with a company that made her move to Pennsylvania only a year later, and my father was eager to leave Decatur Illinois anyways since it was a dieing city, losing most of itsShow MoreRelatedThe Movie The Pact 918 Words  | 4 Pages The ones I sympathize with When I read â€Å"The Pact†, I felt some connection between the characters; Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Hunt Rameck. Throughout their hardship and struggles, It encouraged me to read on. But as I continued reading on, the three main characters stood out the most. But out of those three characters, one stood out in particular. Throughout his experiences and trials, I could see myself in that situation. In how he felt, in the manner in how he saw things around, I couldRead More The Pact Essay5416 Words  | 22 PagesThe Pact One of the major themes in the book The Pact spoke of being there for your friends and giving them a shove in the right direction, helping one another out. Personally, I can relate to this theme, as I’m sure any person could, with just bits and pieces throughout my life. One particular piece that stands out would be my high school experience. Maybe it’s just because I’m fresh out of high school and it’s what I remember the most or maybe it’s because it really had a huge affect on who I’veRead MoreSummary and Review of Jodi Picoults Book, The Pact1233 Words  | 5 PagesBainbridge Memorial Hospital. When Mr. Harte was speeding over there he called up Gus Gold, Emily’s mother. He told her Emily was also rushed to the same hospital as Chris, unknowing her actual death. Publisher’s Weekly reviewed Jodi Picoult’s â€Å"The Pact†and stating â€Å"Picoult stumbles in delineating both sets of parents’ responses to the tragedy. Unconvincing behavior and dialogue inappropriate to the situation (†¦the fact the parents fail to discuss crucial topics) never touch the essence of bereavementRead MoreThe Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia1367 Words  | 6 PagesThe Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia The world political conversation today is the state of affairs in the Ukraine with protester in recent months protesting for a more pro-western European influence of government. Since the Ukraine has been in an economic crisis in the last few years, the current President Viktor F. Yanukovich decided to take an aid package from the Russian’s. This acceptance of the Russian aid package infuriated many in the Ukraine and has stifled the government withRead MoreTaking a Look at the Warsaw Pact511 Words  | 2 PagesThe Warsaw pact was the result of a treaty which the USSR and seven of its surrounding countries signed. The treaty was signed by the USSR, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria, in Warsaw, Poland in 1955. This was created 6 years after the Western nations created NATO in 1949. This treaty was a â€Å"treaty of friendship, cooperation, and mutual assistance†(APPENDIX C: THE WARSAW PACT -- Soviet Union). The USSR stated that the reason for the creation of thisRead MoreWhy Did the Warsaw Pact Intervene in Czechoslovakia in 1968 but Not in Poland in 1980?1951 Words  | 8 PagesWhy did the Warsaw Pact intervene in Czechoslovakia in 1968 but not in Poland in 1980? When conducting a comparative analysis there are several arguments that need to be developed in order to come up with a feasible conclusion. Therefore by using a three-fold approach I will be exploring the question of why the Warsaw Pact intervened in Czechoslovakia but not in Poland. One could begin by focusing on the origin of the reforms in both countries. Czechoslovakia adopted a â€Å"top down†approach headedRead MoreAvoiding War: A Pact Between Germany and Russia during WWII Essay456 Words  | 2 PagesAt the time that the pact was signed, it was in both Germany’s and the USSR’s interest not to get involved in a war with one another. For Germany with its plans of European domination, a war on the Eastern (USSR) and Western fronts at the same time would break the effectiveness of the German Wehrmacht, whilst for the USSR war was not feasible because of the state of unpreparedness that both the Russian economy and military was in after the purges. In Russ ia’s case, the pact was even more attractiveRead MoreThe Pact816 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Pact†By: Abby Haywood â€Å"The Pact†is a piece of nonfiction by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt it’s about three people grew up in the intercity and made a pact to go to college and become doctors. The theme of â€Å"The Pact†is loyalty because the novel demonstrates that quality in many ways. Being loyal means that you don’t turn your back on your friends, and that you will accept your friends for who they are and what they do. If someone is loyal they are faithful and they neverRead MoreThe Pact1839 Words  | 8 PagesThe Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream Bibliographical Information: The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt with Lisa Frazier Page Published in 2002 New York, NY 10014 Riverhead Books 248 ISBN 1-57322-216-X Background Information: Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins and Rameck Hunt were a group of childhood friends. They all grew up in the rough neighborhoods of Newark, New Jersey. WithoutRead MoreThe Pact1843 Words  | 8 PagesThe Pact Study Guide Introduction Questions: 1. How does the narrator’s present compare with his past? 2. Who/What has the most influence on impressionable young adults? 3. How are friendships good? How are they bad? 4. How is this success story different than the success stories that you commonly hear? Chapter 1 â€Å"Dreaming Big†~George Questions: 1. How does a trip to the dentist change George’s life? 2. Describe Ella Jenkins Mack. What kind of influence could
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Robert De Niro Essay Example For Students
Robert De Niro Essay I found two different sections during the movie, that sum up what my main paper is going to be about. The civil rights movement during the 1960s, and Robert De Niro as an actor and as a director. Throughout the entire movie, Calogeros friends all hate the black people that live on the other side of town. They hate their music, and the way they dress, and they dont want them coming through their neighborhood. In the beginning of the movie when Calogero and his two friends are sitting on his stoop, the bus comes by, and there is a black boy on the bus. Calogeros two friends run after the bus, harassing the boy. Throughout the movie Calogero is the only one out of all of his friends that stands up for the black people, and says that they arent bothering him or his friends, so his friends should leave them alone. In the middle of the movie, Calogeros friends are sitting outside in their social group, and a couple of black boys on bicycles ride by on the street. Calogeros friends grab the boys off of their bicycles and beat them up. The police come, and his friends run. Later that day, Calogero finds out that one of the boys that was beaten up was the brother of Jane; the girl that Calogero met on the bus. One of the final scenes in the movie shows the turbulence of the sixties, and what hatred went on between the races. Calogeros friends ride into the black part of town, and set fire to a store. As they ride away a black man throws a stick that is on fire into the car. The boys have a flammable substance in the car, and the car explodes, and all of Calogeros friends are killed. I like this scene because it shows what happens when a dislike for someone goes too far. Calogeros friends didnt like the black people because his friends were afraid they were going to take over the neighborhood. Their hate for these people went so far, that they wanted to kill them. Calogeros friends were looking at guns one day, and one of the boys picked up a gun saying Im gonna shoot someone one day. These boys were anxious to get these people out of the way, so they wouldnt have to worry about them invading their neighborhood. Romantic music is played as they walk down the street holding hands. The scene is very dark, with just the overhead street lights. Short dialogue, with no long speeches. Camera follows from the front of them, so they are walking towards the camera. Camera focuses on one person at a time as they speak. Jane reaches over to open car door in slow motion, when Calogero opens door for her, his shadow reflects on the car. Calogeros friends drive into neighborhood, shot comes from point of view of person driving car. All of sudden the music changes the James Brown. Music continues to play throughout the entire scene of store being shot at and torn up. Many cuts throughout the scene of various places being destroyed. Many sound effects of broken glass, and shattering windows. Bright colors contrasted against the dark night sky. Colors of fire, and bright Tiffanys lamps. As the fire comes into the car, there is slow motion. Continuous scene of guys on fire in the car, showing different angles, two shots of car exploding. Music changes, becomes very comber. Lights of police and ambulances fill the sky with colors of red and yellow. No structure of people, everyone together gathered in chaos. .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed , .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .postImageUrl , .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed , .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed:hover , .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed:visited , .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed:active { border:0!important; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed:active , .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue5e66e5bbef5e4d2b870c681cde474ed:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Movie Analysis - Fury EssayThe next scene I chose to do, is Lorenzo and Calogero on the bus. Calogero always used to ride the bus with his father, and this scene shows them going all the way to city island, which is the last stop. It shows them spending time together, and developes the father-son relationship even more. It is filmed on location as you see, the water and the boardwalk in the back round.. Soft music is playing. Calogero is the narrator during the scene. When riding in the bus, you have the window to look out of, and at the same time you have the mirror, to see what is passing by too. Back round music, now becomes the baseball game on the radio. Shot of Lorenzo looking through mirror to see Sonny and his friends. Shot of Lorenzo and Johnny Whispers from overhead mirror on bus. Scene changes to nighttime, with Lorenzo and his wife on their terrace. Music plays softly, with the camera focusing on one person at a time. Shot goes inside house where you hear voices of people downstairs at funeral, and you see Calogero, but hear him as a narrator. Shot changes to Calogero in confession, shows gate between the priest and Calogero. The scene ends with Calogero running out of the Church, very happy that he got an easy punishment.
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