Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay The Pact - 1319 Words
The Pact With Teacher Comments To say that I have a personal connection with any of the authors of â€Å"The Pact†(Books should be underlined or in italics, but not in quotatations) would be a stretch at best. From the time before my very first breath, my life has been completely different. Throughout the years, my life further diverged, until you examine our (maybe use â€Å"my†instead of â€Å"our†– makes the connection to yourself) college years. Despite the differences, many similarities can be found just by taking a look at events, rather than situations. These situations (events – you said to focus on the events rather than the situations) are my connection to â€Å"The Pact†. The families of the three authors had all been relatively†¦show more content†¦When he sold it, he was able to get a broken motorcycle, and repaired it, until he worked to own his first Corvette. The skills he acquired financed his first year of college as an aerospace engineer. After finding that the industry was basically flooded, and would not expect a rewarding career, he intended to temporarily drop out, and change directions. Shortly after he dropped out, he received word that he was being drafted by the military. He struck a deal with the Navy that would send him to â€Å"New Power†school, which was a rigorous nuclear engineering school. He had intended to stay away from the fighting, and by using his brain he was able to. He was given a position as a nuclear engineer onboard the sister ship The Enterprise, and I believe on a nuclear weapons development program, but that information remains classified. Outside of the military, he worked for nuclear power plants, and earned a Professional Engineering Degree â€Å"PE†in electrical engineering, and had taught himself enough to be able to get one in mechanical engineering, and aerospace engineering. This allowed him to find work almost anywhere, and when his salary no longer was able to pay the bills for my 4 brothers and sisters, that became useful. My mother took a job with a company that made her move to Pennsylvania only a year later, and my father was eager to leave Decatur Illinois anyways since it was a dieing city, losing most of itsShow MoreRelatedThe Movie The Pact 918 Words  | 4 Pages The ones I sympathize with When I read â€Å"The Pact†, I felt some connection between the characters; Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Hunt Rameck. Throughout their hardship and struggles, It encouraged me to read on. But as I continued reading on, the three main characters stood out the most. But out of those three characters, one stood out in particular. Throughout his experiences and trials, I could see myself in that situation. 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